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Configure your conversations notification preferences

The ability to streamline all the customer data, conversations, and operations in one place makes HubSpot stand out. It provides its users with a range of customization options. One of those options is the ability to set the notification preferences for the conversations. 

This article covers a detailed step-by-step guide to configuring the notification preferences of your conversations in HubSpot.

Why is it Important to Configure Notification Preferences?

Configuring the notification preferences give you more hold over the type of actions you would like to respond to. It helps in prioritization and saves time spent on unwanted and distracting notification messages. All in all, it helps you keep your focus where it's required.

Navigating to Notification Preferences

To navigate to the options of notification preferences, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the gear icon (⛭) in the top right corner of your HubSpot dashboard.

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  1. Select Notifications under Your Preferences from the left sidebar.

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  1. Here you can see that there are four sections in which you can customize your notification preferences. These include Email, Desktop, Other apps, and the Mobile app. The following sections cover the details of each.

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Email Notifications

Under the Email tab, you can customize your notification preferences for the email.

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  1. To allow email notifications, simply enable the checkbox.

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  1. You can choose the topics and matters you want to get notified about.

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  1. Expand further options of each preference category by clicking on it. You can enable or disable the checkbox as per your preference. 

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  1. To expand all the sub-options of each preference category, click on Expand all items.

  2. To clear all the preferences to the default ones, click on Clear all preferences.

  3. To search for any category, type in the search bar.

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Desktop Notifications

Under the Desktop tab, you can customize your notification preferences for the desktop.

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  1. To allow the red badge on the bell icon in the navigation bar as a notification update, enable the checkbox for Bell.

  2. To allow the pop-up notifications to appear when you’re active on HubSpot, enable the checkbox for Pop-up.

  3. To allow the browser notifications such that they appear on the screen, even if you’re not active on HubSpot, enable the checkbox for Browser.

  4. You can click on Allow notifications button to allow all sorts of notifications to be sent to the browser.

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  1. You can enable this checkbox if you want to play a sound when you receive a pop-up notification.

  2. To display the red dot in the browser tab for the unread notifications, enable this checkbox.

  3. Choose the categories you want to be notified about under this section.

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Other Apps’ Notifications

Under the Other apps tab, you can take a look at the apps you have installed and will receive HubSpot notifications.

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In our case, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Workplace by Facebook are installed, therefore the notifications of HubSpot will appear in these.

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Mobile App Notifications 

Under the Mobile app tab, you can customize your notification preferences for HubSpot’s mobile app.

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  1. HubSpot allows you to change the mobile app notification preferences in the app itself.

  2. You can select the categories you want to get notified about by enabling the relevant check boxes. 

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All in all, this was about setting up your notification preferences for Email, Desktop, Other apps, and the Mobile app in HubSpot. You can choose the categories you want to get notified about in each of these.

For further information, contact Learners.ai.