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Connect or add a subdomain for your knowledge base

What is a Subdomain?

Before we move into the steps of connecting your subdomain to HubSpot, it's important to understand how the subdomain is different from the company’s root domain. The following diagram shows the breakdown of the subdomain, domain, and top-level domain with an example.

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  • The root domain includes the main domain and the top-level domain. ‘learners.ai’ is the root domain in this example.

  • The Top-level Domain (TLD) is the suffix or extension of a domain. ‘ai’ is the TLD in the above-mentioned example.

  • The subdomain is an optional addition to the main domain to have more organized content. ‘blog’ is the subdomain in this example. 


How to Connect and Configure Subdomain in HubSpot?

This section covers the steps of connecting and configuring a subdomain in HubSpot. The steps are as follows:

  1. Click on the gear icon (⛭) in the top right corner of your HubSpot dashboard.

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  2. Scroll down to select Knowledge Base under the Website in the Tools section from the left sidebar.

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  3. This will open the Knowledge base page. Click on the Manage domain button. 

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  4. This will open the domains page. Click on Connect a domain button. 

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  5. Select Primary from the domain type option.

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  6. HubSpot will ask you regards the type of content you intend to add to the subdomain. The Knowledge base and customer portal have been selected in this case. 

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  7. If you haven't added the domain before, the domain you enter in the input box will be set up as your brand domain. 

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  8. Enter the domain in the input box.

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  9. Enter the subdomain of your choice.

  10. The brand domain will showcase here in a non-editable format.

  11. Enter the TLD of your choice.

  12. Select the language. Note this language will help the search engine know what language your content is written in. It is set to English by default.

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  13. The complete URL will display for you to verify. In case of any problems, you can go back and change as required.

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  14. The DNS information will be displayed that you need to add to your domain provider. To gain more information about this, refer to Updating DNS Record in Domain Provider heading.

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  15. It will take some time for your DNS records to update and for the subdomain to be set up.

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  16. Once your subdomain is connected, go back to the Knowledge Base section under the Website in the Tools section from the left sidebar. Here you will see the updated knowledge base domain.

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