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Connect your shared team email addresses to Conversations


HubSpot allows you to manage all your operations and data in one place. Its ability to streamline all the conversations and operations makes it a popular CRM. You can connect all your conversations to one central inbox in HubSpot to enhance the communication channels. 

This article covers the steps of streamlining your conversations in one place. 

What are Channels?

Channels represent the different paths the user can take to contact your team. You can connect four types of channels to HubSpot to have all the conversations in the central inboxes. It ensures that all the messages sent to any of the channels can be accessed via those inboxes. 

The channels include Team Email, Chat, Facebook Messenger, and Form. The last three are quite self-explanatory. However, the description of the team email is as follows:

It signifies that you want the emails to be sent to one shared inbox and the one shared email address to appear in the emails. You can connect a Gmail, Office 365, or any of the hosted emails. 

Once this channel is connected, you can customize the fields of From Name, From Address, Team Email, Signature, and control which team members the incoming emails are routed to.

Connecting Your Team Emails in HubSpot

This section covers the steps of connecting your team emails in HubSpot. The steps are as follows:

  1. Click on the gear icon (⛭) in the top right corner of your HubSpot dashboard. 


  1. Select Inboxes from the dropdown of Inbox under Tools in the left sidebar.


  1. Click on Connect a channel.


  1. Select the channel you want to connect to. In this case, it will be a Team email.

Team email

  1. Select the type of email account you are establishing a connection with. We are connecting a Gmail account.

type of email account

  1. Click on Continue.


  1. Choose the Gmail account you want to establish the connection with or add another account as per requirement. 

Choose the Gmail account

  1. Allow HubSpot to connect with your Gmail account by clicking on Allow button.

 HubSpot to connect

  1. It will take some time to set up. HubSpot will send a test email to your account to verify the successful connection. 


  1. Now that the email account is connected, HubSpot allows you to customize the email details. You can change the From name and From address. The Preview of the customizations will also be visible on the right side.


  1. You can add a team signature by clicking on the +Add team signature button.


  1. Select who you want to assign the conversations to. We are selecting Specific users and teams in this example. 


  1. For the option of Specific users and teams, you need to add the user accounts by selecting from the dropdown.

user accounts

  1. It will assign the conversations to the particular user/users.

  2. You can also choose to treat the incoming conversions as support tickets by enabling the checkbox.

incoming conversions

  1. It will open a prompt for you to enter the ticket information like Ticket owner, Ticket pipeline, Ticket stage, Ticket priority, Ticket name, Ticket description, and Ticket source.

Ticket owner

Ticket owner


Connecting the Chat Flows

You can connect the chat flows by clicking on the Edit button beside Chat in the list of Channels.

Chat Flows

It will open three tabs such as Configure, Availability, and Tracking code. These allow you to connect the chat flows to your website pages and customize the team’s availability and chat flow branding. The description of each is as follows:

Configure - Under this tab, you can choose the accent color of the chat box, its placement, if you would like to receive the chat transcript upon its ending, and the send from email address.


Availability - Under this tab, you can change the chat channel availability. It can be set up based on team members' status, working hours, or 24/7 availability. You can also set up the Availability behavior, and choose if you want to show the typical reply time. 



Access - Under this tab, you can find a tracking code that you can add to the web pages you want to enable HubSpot on. 

tracking code


Connecting Forms and Facebook Messenger in HubSpot

You can also connect the Forms and Facebook Messenger in HubSpot. For that, select the required channel type you intend to connect in Step 4 of the Connecting Your Team Emails in the HubSpot section and follow the steps along. 

Facebook Messenger in HubSpot


Editing and Deleting a Channel

To edit any channel, click on the Edit button beside it. This will open further options to edit the fields and data of the channel.

Editing and Deleting a Channel

To delete the channel, click on the Delete button beside the channel. 

delete the channel

Click on Yes, delete and it will complete the deletion process.

confirmation box

All in all, this article covered the detailed steps of connecting channels such as Team Emails, Chat, Facebook Messenger, and Forms to HubSpot to have all the conversations accessible in one place.

For further guidance, contact Learners.ai.